Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Friend found out has hepatitis c - what best way to offer support in a letter?

Ok, not sure how to handle this, but what kind of words of encouragement to offer someone who has hepatitis c - i just am having trouble with some of my letter

Friend found out has hepatitis c - what best way to offer support in a letter?
You are a good friend to be supportive at a time like this. So often people step away from their friends because they don't understand the disease, or they have fears of catching that disease. The best thing that you can do is to educate yourself about this so you won't have unnecessary fears.

As for your letter, many people live with hep c and live a normal life. Hep c is a slowly progressing disease (unless someone hurries it along by drinking alcohol or using too many OTC or prescription drugs). It can be managed by a healthy lifestyle, and most importantly, it can be treated. While the treatment is effective in about 50-80%+ of those who take it, even in those that fail treatment, the medication has been shown to histologically improve the condition of the liver. Hep c (HCV) is not a death sentence in most people. Encourage your friend to educate herself/himself so he/she can make the best health care decisions. And let him know you have two internet friends (Bayla and myself) who have cleared the virus on treatment and are living a normal life. Best wishes to you and your friend.
Reply:don't mention the disease directly, but offer your friendship and assurance that you will be there, should the need arise
Reply:I think you should just let her know that you're always going to be there if he/she needs support or feels down and needs an ear.

Let them know that they are strong and brave.

I guess its easier if you know the person .

I'd say write an uplifting letter that hasn't got a, "Oh i feel sorry for you" tone to it.

You just need to let them focus on the good qualities. Positivity is always a good start :) x
Reply:Trish..your a good friend..I have a letter to people from a person with HCV..I'll send it under seperate cover..it may help your g/f with her pals.
Reply:friend be a and offer support

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