Sunday, July 12, 2009

My friend has Hep.C. How does it spread?

good answers, i would get your friend on noni. Hepatitis C %26amp; Liver Transplant Needed!

By Peter E. Erickson

I was diagnosed in 1995 with having contracted a deadly virus due to blood transfusions performed on me earlier in my life. This Hepatitis C virus attacks the internal organs of the body.

Consequently, the virus decided to wage war on my liver. The results of this seemingly endless battle left me with sleepless nights, painful bowel disorders, severe muscle cramps in my arms, legs and abdomen, plus a non-radiant yellow pigmentation of my skin and eyes. In short, I looked and felt like I was rotting away. I was also at the top of the list for a liver transplant!

On May 8, 1997, 1 was introduced to Noni Juice. I began taking 2 tbsp. 2 times a day.

By May 13, 1997, I was already sleeping through the night; the muscle cramps had stopped, and I was starting to look like a living human being again. I also felt my energy level there when I needed it.

On May 19th, I had an appointment with my doctors, and the comments were, "You sure are looking good. The whites of your eyes aren't yellow, and your skin is looking great! How do you feel?"

My reply was, "I feel like a million (and I don't mean green and wrinkled)." The truth is I don't wonder where the yellow went; I'm just glad it's gone!

Noni Juice has put me back in the pink and that's answer to prayer. And by the way, my name is now at the end of the list for a transplant, and I'll probably never need it.

Peter E. Erickson

My friend has Hep.C. How does it spread?
needles, or other blood exchange
Reply:Hep C is spread by blood. This site explains it better.
Reply:Through sexual contact. Don't have sex with your "friend". It could kill you.
Reply:Please see the webpages for more details on Hepatitis C.
Reply:the problem with hepatits c is although research shows that the most recognized pathway for transmission is by exchange of blood(transfusions, sharing combs and razors etc) there is a 40% of cases where the transmission is not understood and could be anything , it could even be talking for all they know.

regarding sex a lot of evidence suggests that in monogamous relationships there is virtually no transmission ,only in promiscuous sex is there a risk. also vertical transmission (from mother to child during birth) is not common for this type of hepatitis.

i personally seen many cases where only one of the spouses is affected and no transmission to either spouse or children but thats in our country where monogamous relations is the norm ,people rarly engage in sex with different partners .
Reply:Blood, body fluids, sharing needles

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