Tuesday, July 14, 2009

University: 1 of my friend get a B, 1 other of my friend get a C?

Back then I asked this guy, what is your score (some subject), he answer, "C."

"What, really?" I said.

"Yep, but this girl, you know her, she get B, although she saw all the answers from me," He said.

So guys, is this really ever happen to you? If yes, it sucks isn't it?

I just want to get out uni as fast as I can. I wonder how this people who always cheat, or answers incorrectly, but still get good grade turns out later. When they have real job.

10 pts. for good or detailed answer.

University: 1 of my friend get a B, 1 other of my friend get a C?
Are you sure the cheaters are receiving good grades? Did you actually see their grades or was it just word of mouth? Cheating students cheat themselves out of an education and will not be able to perform well in a job that requires education. Cheating will not help one to quickly finish their college education, it will just keep one from receiving a college education.
Reply:Judging from your grammar, I think you got an F on the test. You probably couldn't pass even if you cheated from "this girl."
Reply:It happens in Navy schools all the time. someone will slip you a paper with answers and tell you these are the right answers for today's test when in actuality they are all wrong answers. I never bit btw.

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